Quantum coaching: BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY back to you


you are here

Quantum Coaching Sessions place a "you are here" X on your magnificent life journey.

We both know that a map is not helpful if you cannot see where you stand in it. This creates feelings of aimlessness, confusion and fatigue. Conversely, if you feel you know your latitude and longitude with excruciating accuracy – "I'm getting divorced," "I fear I'm going to lose my job," "I thought I would have a family by now" – and you are fixated on this position but do not see it within the context of a much bigger landscape, you will feel desperate, or angry, or defeated...or all three. 

Let’s clear the fog from your horizon. You will see your circumstances as fluid and full of possibility; and catch the glint of sunlit paths you had never noticed before. 

You will feel lighter, having dropped your "shoulda, woulda, couldas." You will stand taller, because you have direction. And you will smile, as you realize that these answers are emanating from within you. They were there all along.